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“Teaching Sisters of St. Dorothy, Daughters of the Sacred Hearts” in India

A Journey of Commitment: Celebrating Final Vows and Silver Jubilee

February, 2024

“To the Heart of Jesus, to the Heart of Jesus! Here we have the beginning, the end, the centre and extremity” - St John Antony Farina.

A vigil prayer service followed, commencing with a solemn procession of the final profession candidate and jubilarians. During the ceremony, the final profession candidate was presented with an empty pot, symbolizing human emptiness and the need for divine grace. This act harkened back to the miraculous event at the wedding of Cana, where Jesus transformed water into wine, filling the empty vessel with abundance. As a gesture of gratitude and reverence, the jubilarians offered branches of Cyprus, reminding all present of the significance of this tree mentioned in the Bible. The cypress trees grow thick and green, providing shelter for the birds. In Scripture, King Solomon used the cypress tree in the construction of the temple, symbolizing God's choice of the precious and beloved. God values and protects those who are precious to Him, desiring to make them a dwelling place for His presence. In times of pruning and challenges, there is no need to worry, as God always takes care of His chosen ones, nurturing their growth and setting them apart for His divine purpose.

The community then united in prayer, following the liturgy of the church. At the culmination of the service, the Provincial Superior was invited to light a lamp and to light the candles of each of them, symbolizing the illumination of their paths as they continue to be the light of the world in their service and commitment to God and humanity, signifying their shared commitment to spreading the light of Christ.


Harmony of Hearts: The Unforgettable Consecration Day of Our Novices

February, 2024

With joy and gratitude, we share the story of an unforgettable day for our Congregation. February 8th, 2024, marks a bright chapter in the history of our province of India, as five young novices embraced the path of consecration, becoming part of our beloved Dorothean family, the Daughters of the Sacred Hearts.

It was a day of intense prayer, celebration, smiles, and overwhelming emotions. Our novices, Anie, Aparajita, Deepika, Sowjanya, and Subhashini, were accompanied and supported by their family members, who came from afar for this special moment, as well as by religious friends, seminarians, priests, and the representatives of Dorothean sisters from the different communities present in India. The presence of our general councillors, Rev. Sr. Janet and Rev. Sr. Catalina, enriched the atmosphere of communion and gratitude.


Spiritual Symphony: A Grateful Transition in Leadership

January 2024

The Thanksgiving ceremony for the outgoing provincial team unfolded as a poignant tapestry of reverence and gratitude. The day commenced with a special morning prayer and a thanksgiving Holy Mass, marked by an entrance procession bearing flower pots adorned with letters spelling "THANK GOD."

During the homily, Rev Fr Joy Kaipananickal, the esteemed rector of Don Bosco Philosophy College, eloquently dissected and highlighted the exemplary life of Rev Sr Biji Mulackal, the outgoing Provincial. He astutely delineated her inner virtues and those of her team, urging all present to emulate her commendable examples.


Installation of the New Provincial Superior and Team of the Indian Province

January 6, 2024

The installation of the Provincial Superior for the Indian Province and her councillors at Archana Convent Keezhmad on January 6, 2024, marked a significant and auspicious day in the history of the Indian Province of the Teaching Sisters of St. Dorothy, Daughters of the Sacred Hearts. The event commenced with a symbolic Morning Prayer service, followed by a solemn Eucharistic celebration at 11 a.m., presided over by Don Bosco Rector, Rev. Fr. Joy Kaipananickal, and concelebrated by Keezhmad Sacred Heart Church Vicar, Rev. Fr. Varghese Koottungal.

DestinazioneThe ceremony began with a procession, each team member carrying meaningful symbols reflecting their entrusted responsibilities. The homily, connected to the feast of Denaha in the Syro-Malabar Church, drew parallels between John the Baptist's mission and the new leadership team under Rev. Sr. Shiny Muttathottil. It emphasised the team's responsibility to prepare the way for the Lord in the hearts of the sisters and the people they serve. The speaker highlighted the importance of compassion, listening with the “ear of the heart”, and relying on God's providence. The challenges of leadership were acknowledged, likened to a way of the cross and encouragement was given to persevere in doing good despite potential criticism.



May 2023

“Che cosa renderò al Signore per quanto mi ha dato? Alzerò il calice della salvezza e invocherò il nome del Signore” (Ps.115)
Mille ricordi passano per la mente quando cerchiamo di raccontare la storia della fedelta’ del Signore che ci ha chiamate alla sua sequella nel lontano 1970.

5 ragazze tra il 17 – 21 anni affrontano un viaggio non semplice per l’epoca!<.p>

Destinazione e’ Italia. Arrivate a Vicenza Il 19 Marzo verso le 11 del mattino siamo state accolte dall’abbraccio caloroso della carissima Madre Generale Sr.Irma Zorzanelli e le consigliere. Ci siamo sentite accolte con tanto amore e premura nonostante la difficoltà della comunicazione per causa della lingua italiana che non comprendevamo. Poi c’è stata una carrellata d’impegni di imparare la lingua, la cultura, le espressioni, I modi di pensare e comportarsi, relazionarsi ecc…. Fidandosi soltanto del Signore e del grande desiderio di diventare suore. Al pensare che noi non abbiamo scelto la congregazione ma il Signore, ci da’ la certezza che veramente c’è stato tutto un piano chiaramente tracciato dal Dio Fedele che aveva un sogno ben preciso per l’India, attraverso le Suore Dorotee di Vicenza, Figlie dei Sacri Cuori.


Saint Maria Bertilla Boscardin a Shining Pearl

The centenary year celebration of Saint Maria Bertilla was a hearts vibrating and spirit filled moments of heavenly blessings for all of us. A long-awaited celebration of centenary year of Saint Maria Bertilla's birth in heaven was held on 20th October 2022 in the province house Aluva, at Keezhumadu. ....



“Inspire our actions O Lord and a company them with your help so that every activity of ours always has its beginning and end in you”. It’s an appeasing thing to say that the year 2022 in the history of Indian province has got significant nostalgic memories of a humble Saint Maria Bertilla Boscardin who lived and died for the love of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary and of neighbor. She is an angel of the sick and heavenly intercessor of us all. A noble person with quite interesting extraordinary grace and virtuous life, attained centenary year of her death Anniversary. it’s a privilege and honor to be known as her co sisters and a very happiest moment when centenary year was announced. An extra fragrance of prayer and lovely hymns raised up in the honor of her, in this lovely year. In honor of her centenary jubilee year the Indian province commenced beautiful and innovative schedule. Bubbles of joy, mesmerizing preparations began....


Give thanks to the Lord, for, he has done marvelous things

It was a joyful day for the Indian Province as Sr. Frenshy Maria Menachery and Sr. Anjana Kuttiparachel were saying their Perpetual YES to the Lord; and eight of our sisters - Sr. Beena Kakkanattu, Sr. Daisy Muttathottil, Sr. Ruby Paikkattu, Sr. Shaiji Valiyaparambil, Sr. Shiby Chollambel, Sr. Sindhu Pulikunnel, Sr. Sherly Edattukaran and Sr. Susy Panackachalil - were celebrating the Silver Jubilee of their First Commitment to the Lord. Prior to the jubilee celebration, the jubilarians attended ten days of retreat at Marthoma Sadan near Malayattoor run by the Carmilite fathers where St. Thomas left his footprints.

These ten days of prayer provided us an ever-growing conviction of Christ’s boundless love for each one of us individually and moved us towards a more complete confidence and surrender. God’s compassionate words of love were a great source for us to renew ourselves spiritually and psychologically. We could fathom our nothingness and God’s immense blessings for us in these 25 years of our consecrated life.



22nd - 30th December 2022

“Go and do likewise” (Lk 10:37)
We the Teaching sisters of St Dorothy Daughters of the Sacred Hearts in India celebrated our Second Provincial Chapter from 22nd to 30th December 2022. It began with a six-day preparatory study and spiritual retreat. The theme of the Chapter is: From Jerusalem to Jericho: Prophets of Proximity.

It is officially inaugurated on 22nd December with the presence of Rev Sr. Annarita Benetti Economa General of the Congregation along with 31 capitulars. The solemn votive Mass of the Holy Spirit presided by Rev. Fr. Rector Joy Kaipananickal SDB. He highlighted the figure of the Good Samaritan and also added that the road from Jerusalem to Jericho passes through all the convents of our Indian Province and also passes through the heart of every chapter member and every sister in the Province. He urged us to be attentive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit that can come even through the most insignificant event of the day or through the youngest or eldest chapter members.


Saint Maria Bertilla Boscardin a Shining Pearl

The centenary year celebration of Saint Maria Bertilla was a hearts vibrating and spirit filled moments of heavenly blessings for all of us. A long-awaited celebration of centenary year of Saint Maria Bertilla's birth in heaven was held on 20th October 2022 in the province house Aluva, at Keezhumadu. ....



“Inspire our actions O Lord and a company them with your help so that every activity of ours always has its beginning and end in you”. It’s an appeasing thing to say that the year 2022 in the history of Indian province has got significant nostalgic memories of a humble Saint Maria Bertilla Boscardin who lived and died for the love of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary and of neighbor. She is an angel of the sick and heavenly intercessor of us all. A noble person with quite interesting extraordinary grace and virtuous life, attained centenary year of her death Anniversary. it’s a privilege and honor to be known as her co sisters and a very happiest moment when centenary year was announced. An extra fragrance of prayer and lovely hymns raised up in the honor of her, in this lovely year. In honor of her centenary jubilee year the Indian province commenced beautiful and innovative schedule. Bubbles of joy, mesmerizing preparations began....


Give thanks to the Lord, for, he has done marvelous things

It was a joyful day for the Indian Province as Sr. Frenshy Maria Menachery and Sr. Anjana Kuttiparachel were saying their Perpetual YES to the Lord; and eight of our sisters - Sr. Beena Kakkanattu, Sr. Daisy Muttathottil, Sr. Ruby Paikkattu, Sr. Shaiji Valiyaparambil, Sr. Shiby Chollambel, Sr. Sindhu Pulikunnel, Sr. Sherly Edattukaran and Sr. Susy Panackachalil - were celebrating the Silver Jubilee of their First Commitment to the Lord. Prior to the jubilee celebration, the jubilarians attended ten days of retreat at Marthoma Sadan near Malayattoor run by the Carmilite fathers where St. Thomas left his footprints.

These ten days of prayer provided us an ever-growing conviction of Christ’s boundless love for each one of us individually and moved us towards a more complete confidence and surrender. God’s compassionate words of love were a great source for us to renew ourselves spiritually and psychologically. We could fathom our nothingness and God’s immense blessings for us in these 25 years of our consecrated life.


Religious Silver Jubilee

“My soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour”

Life is a bliss, taste it
Life is a beauty, admire it
Life is a promise of God, fulfill it
And life is a mystery, know it, realize it and care for it.

God has called me and planted me in the garden of the Teaching Sisters of St. Dorothy - Daughters of the Sacred Hearts. He carried me during these 25 years as a Dorothean sister. On this happiest and fabulous day, I lift my mind and my heart with a song of thanksgiving to God Almighty and to my Provincial Superior and sisters.

Countless are His blessings and unconditional is His faithfulness and love towards me. As I celebrate the Silver Jubilee of my vestition and first profession, I pray for each one of you – for, you have blessed me with your graceful presence during the Jubilee Mass and for the celebrations thereafter. I thank my parents who generously offered me to the service of the Lord, and I convey my sincere thanks to all the people, dear and near ones, well-wishers and friends.

My sincere thanks to Provincial Superior Sr. Biji and to the superior Sr. Selma for their great love and concern. Thank you all….

Sr. Mary Vadakkekannuvallil DSHS


First Profession

20th October 2021

Today, 20th October, is the day on which our beloved sister St. Bertilla left this earthly life and reached in the presence of her loving Heavenly Father. Therefore, with gratitude and joy, we began the centenary celebrations of the heavenly birth of St. Bertilla, by lighting the jubilee candle by His Excellency Mar Mathew Vaniyakizhakkel VC, bishop emeritus of the diocese of Satna, North India.

This feast of St. Bertilla is also a day of joy for me personally as she lived a life of obedience and humility by spreading the fragrance of holiness in the church and in the community. I entered the Provincial house of the Dorothean Sisters at Archana convent, Keezhmad in 2017 with the intention of becoming a nun in the Dorothean Congregation. This was a great moment to realize the dream I had in my childhood days.


Happy to be with you Lord…. We are yours…..

13th May 2020

“Your maker is your husband, the Lord of Hosts is His name, the Holy one of Israel is your Redeemer, the God of the whole earth He is called.” [Is. 54: 5]

May 13th 2020 is a remarkable, grace filled and historical day for the Dorotheans, especially for the Province of India, because two more little butterflies are added to the family of St. John Antony Farina during the season of COVID–19 pandemic. On this joyful and happy occasion, we thank God Almighty for His marvelous love.

After having good conviction and understanding of the vocation and call as Teaching Sisters of St. Dorothy, Daughters of the Sacred Hearts, on the feast of Our Lady of Fathima, Novice Sukanya Kakumanu did my visitation and First Profession and after having fell in love with Jesus, Sr. Lurdukumari Guvvala has made the Final Commitment to her Eternal Spouse by pronouncing the Holy Vows during the solemn Holy Mass, through the hands of the Provincial Rev. Sr. Biji Mulackal.



01st December 2019

First of December 2019 was a memorable day for us, the Sisters of St. Dorothy, Archana Convent, Keezhmadu. The day began with the solemn Eucharistic celebration presided over by Rev. Fr. Paul Cherupilly, Director, Social Service Centre of Ernakulam – Angamaly Archdiocese. After Mass, at 9.00 A.M., the community members and the sisters of the neighboring communities, gathered together at the venue of the proposed house for the sick and aged. The foundation stone was blessed by Rev. Fr. Francis Vattukulam SDB, Rector, Don Bosco College, Keezhamdu and ceremoniously laid by Rev. Sr. Biji Mulackal, Provincial Superior of the Sisters of St. Dorothy in the presence of the Provincial Councillors, Novices, candidates and well-wishers. “Success is when you look back at your life and the memories make you smile”. Certainly this memorable event will definitely bring smiles to those who witnessed this function in later years.



01st December 2019

Eight years after the formation of the Province of the Sisters of St. Dorothy, Daughters of the Sacred Hearts, in India, the Province Day was celebrated for the first time on 1st December 2019. The festivity began on 30th November with a meaningful Prayer service at 6.45 P.M., preceded by a floral procession from the holy Founder’s image at the main entrance, going up to the community chapel. An Indian oil lamp was lit by the Provincial Superior and other sisters representing Province, symbolizing the perennial presence of Christ who lighted the path for the developmental growth of the Province. The Prayer Service gratefully recalled the growth process of the province from its embryonic stage to its present status, appreciating the selfless sacrifices made by the pioneers whose dedicated service made the congregation to flourish in India. Unity of the members and their collaborative efforts were highlighted by various ritual representations. Renewing gratitude to God Almighty for all the past graces, and invoking abundant blessings for the future through the intercession of St. John Antony Farina, our father founder and St. Maria Bertilla, our co-sister, the stirring Prayer Service concluded on a joyful note.


The pioneer sisters of the Indian Province gathering

29th and 30th of November 2019

Still in Youthfulness?

The pioneer sisters of the Indian Province gathered in the Provincial house – Archana, Keezhmadu, Aluva on the days 29th and 30th of November 2019 for the unforgettable moments of group-living. We are in 20 from 19 families, 11 communities and 4 states. Actually we could be 27 but many stay abroad and so they couldn’t be present for the event. We miss them badly!!!

In the first morning of the first day itself, the Provincial Rev. Sr Biji Mulackal introduced the program in detail quoting His Holiness Pope Francis saying we are here “to look to the past with gratitude, to the present with enthusiasm and to the future with hope” and some small assignments such as liturgy, entertainments, chronicle etc…were given to the different batches or to the individuals for the two days.


Batch gathering on 3rd and 4th September 2019 - "GUIDING RAYS"

3-4th September 2019

The morning was fresh and enthusiastic in Archana, Provincial house on 3rd September. The colourful and prayerful gathering of 6 to 10 batches of sisters of Indian Province from various states of India started their meetings with the Holy Mass. We 20 sisters including the Provincial Superior were present for this seminar. 3 of us were absent for various reasons.

The rays of the rising sun from the east orbit broke into our hearts and invited each one of us for a discernment and decision. The very first day of the gathering has been begun with an inaugural address of our vice Provincial, Rev. Sr. Suni, at 8.30 and introduced the day. There was a brief sharing session for refreshment. We started the seminar on midlife spirituality by Rev. Sr. Christal SD at 9 am. She underlined the following points.


Perpetual Profession - 2019

11th May 2019

“Rejoice Rejoice always! Again I say Rejoice! For this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus”. Yes the fulfillments of these words have come true on 11.05.2019 at 2.30 pm in Indian Province. It was the day of rejoicing and Thanksgiving day for all of us in the Congregation because God has blessed the Congregation and the Holy Mother Church with three precious perpetually professed sisters to do His service. Indian Province was fully immersed in the celebration of the solemn Holy Mass which was solicited by Very Rev. Dr. Joseph Maleparampil, Superior General of the Missionary Congregation of the Blessed Sacraments (MCBS). The religious from different Congregations are participated the celebrations. Parents, relatives, dear and near ones arrived and took part the function. After the Holy Mass there was small refreshment followed by the celebration of the event with cake cutting warm wishing. On every face there was bubbles of joy and gladness radiating to everyone with smile and laughter.


“Your heart o Jesus is an unfailing mine of Gold and of precious stones. From it let the sisters dig out treasures and adorn their head.”

14th January 2019

January 14 th 2019 was the day of great joy and happiness for all the sisters of St. Dorothy, Daughters of the Sacred Hearts. The wonderful day has dawned with its novelty and beauty with colorful memories of our Father founder St. John Antony Farina. The graceful day has begun with a prayer service followed by solemn Holy Eucharist presided over by Rev. Fr. William SDB.


Silver Stars Shines…

5th January 2019

My Soul glorifies the Lord, My spirit rejoices in God my Saviour”

5th January 2019 was a great and memorable day for all of us. By the Grace of God we, 10 sisters, Sr. Biji Mulackal, Sr. Dolly Paradiyil, Sr. Elsy Kannempilly, Sr. Elizabeth Mangalath, Sr. Jancy Velikkunnel, Sr. Jaseentha Veleparambil, Sr. Mercy Kuriyickal, Sr. Mini Parappuram, Sr. Rejeena Kakkattu and Sr. Suni Kizhakkedath, celebrated the Silver Jubilee of our first commitment to the Lord. Together we thank and Praise the Lord for His unfailing love and faithfulness for each of us. Sr. Elsy Kannempilly who is in Italy could not be with us physically but she joined spiritually with us.


Canonical Visit of Rev. Mother General and General Councilors in India.

14th September 2018 – 13th October 2018.

Provincial House - Archana

On 14th September, 2018 Rev. Mother General Sr. Maria Teresa Pena and her Councilors Sr. Luisella Gosmin, Sr. Luciana Tognon, Sr. Roberta Dalla Stella and Sr. Julia Lopez arrived at Kochi International Airport to begin their canonical visit. At the Airport Indian Provincial Rev. Sr. Biji Mulackal and the representatives of the Province gave them a welcome and accompanied them to Archana. At the provincial House they were welcomed with a beautiful dance by the postulants. With the accompaniment of dance all proceeded to the chapel in procession. Sr. Provincial welcomed the Mother General and Councilors with warm words. It was followed by the community singing of Magnificat. After lunch the visitors proceeded for a much deserved siesta. The Eucharistic celebration in the evening was presided over by Rev. Fr. Francis, the Rector of Don Bosco College, Keezhmadu.


First and Final profession of our Novices and Juniores

“O give thanks to the Lord for His great love endures forever” (PS. 136,1)”

“You are in the world, but not of the world” (St: John Antony farina)”

After having good conviction and understanding of our vocation as a Teaching sisters of St: Dorothy, Daughters of the sacred hearts we four junior sisters from India Sr. Jancila Mary, Sr.vinoji, Sr. Jhansi Rani and Sr. Sowjanya have entered into one year juniorate course On May 1st in 2017 here in Provincial house Archana convent, Keezhmadu, Aluva. We are really blessed and gifted with many spiritual blessings during this year. We were given preparation and knowledge with good understanding regarding all the aspects of religious life, through various spiritual and psychological classes. This one year preparation helped us more to know the spiritual heritage of our congregation in depth and increased our belongingness and fraternal love towards our Dorothean family. Thanks to the Lord Almighty for calling us to His sacred hearts. This whole year in silence and spiritual recollection drew us to intimate union and fall in love with Jesus our spouse. As the days were running very swiftly, we were getting closer to the great joyful day of our perpetual profession. Yes, the days have come for annual spiritual retreat and we four of us along with two novices Christy and Sheela and other 58 of our sisters have took part in this retreat . Retreat began on 5th May 2018 and was conducted by Rev.Fr.Sebastian OFM CAP. We were spiritually nourished and strengthened by the word of God during the retreat. On 11th of may 2018 evening at 6.00 pm our loving sisters have conducted a beautiful and heart touching and soul lifting prayer service for us in which all the sisters have participated and blessed us by laying their hands on us while the choir singing the hymn to the Holy Spirit Rev. Provincial Superior Sr. Biji Mulackal have given us our father founder St: John Antony’s message.


Training days for the aspirants.

“In the Indian Province.”

For the Indian province it was a time of great joy for the 25 young and energetic aspirants get together in Vijayawada Andra Pradesh on the 26th, 27th and 28th January 2018.out Of 32 aspirants 7 of them werefrom Kerala could not attend the get together programme due to their exam schedule.


A moment of prayer with students of Keezhmad

“Students from Keezhmad parish had come for prayer, conducted by the sisters of Archana community.”

The purpose of the prayer meeting
* Encourage and help them to have good reception of the Sacraments.
* Nurturing the moral human values in them.
* Molding and paving way to be the dispensers of charity, mercy and compassion of the Sacred Hearts


Thanks Giving Day – 24th November 2017

“Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow”

24th November 2017, the very next day of the installation ceremony was kept as the thanks giving day. We all were very happy to express our gratitude towards Rev. Sr. Liya Karumancheril and her team. As they had guided our province for the past six years we expressed our heartfelt appreciation to them. Many of us were struggling to control our tears as we gratefully embraced them as part of the prayer service conducted by the sisters.


Installation ceremony – 23rd November 2017

“One does not presume to take this honor, but takes it only when called by God, just as Aaron was” (Heb.5:4).

23rd November 2017 was an auspicious day for the Indian Province. On that day Rev. Sr. Biji Mulackal took charge as the Provincial Superior, Sr.Suni Kizhakkedath as the Vice Provincial, Sr. Molly Karottumadavana, Sr. Shiby Chollambel and Sr. Sheeba Erikkaluvila as the councillors, Sr. Beena Kakkanattu as the Provincial Secretary and Sr. Teena Chulliattu as the Administrator. The installation ceremony was began with the prayer service in the morning. On that day Rev. Sr. Cloudinaliya Karumancheril the Provincial Superior, Sr. Ciby Cherusseril, Sr. Alice Azhakedath and the Administrator Sr. Jancy Pottassery were present in the occasion and they handed over their responsibilities to the newly elected members. The presence of several sisters from other communities augmented its beauty.


TEACHERS MEET - 2017 (Trivandrum from 28th to 30th September 2017)

2017- 18 Teachers meet “Vistas beyond rainbow” was held in Poovar community in Trivandrum from 28th to 30th September 2017. Almost 24 to 26 sisters from various communities of Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Mysore gathered in Poovar community on 28th evening. And teachers of our Angles’ School also attended. On 29thmorning a very beautiful and inspiring prayer service awakened the day at 6.00 am and followed by the Holy Mass.

The inaugural ceremony was done at Angels’ school, by Rev. Fr. Deay belongs to the Congregation of Missionaries of St.Thomas.He was working with the upliftment of youthin mission areas, at present he is an active member of KCBC wasthe chief guest of the day. Sr. Alice Azhakrdath welcomed the gathering by pointing the importance of education and purpose of coming together. Fr. Deay continued his first session with the title of setting a creative space with different activities. It really benefited each of the teachers. Today the students want creative teachers and the one who can make their learning more joyful. He presented it with little theoretical and more practical. It is quite sure that it will substitute and assist all the teachers to create a celebrative class room.




Prayer Dance by Aspirants of the Sisters of St. Dorothy On the occasion of the celebration of Pope`s Day at Don Bosco.on 29/06/2016
Sisters of St. Dorothy Daughters of the Sacred Hearts on the occasion of the 1st anniversary of the Canonization of St. John Antony Farina -Father and Founder. Dedicate this chapel in honour of him on 23/11/2015.
Veneration of the Relic of St. John Antony Farina on 14/01/2015, Provincial House Alwaye.
Entrance procession of the Eucharistic Celebration on the occasion of the Feast of our Father and Founder St. John Antony Farina.


Here is the history of the Sisters of St. Dorothy, Daughters of the Sacred Hearts, in India. It was a courageous and confident step taken by our Mother General Rev. Sr. Gianna Rosa Sterbini, to start a new mission in India on 15th January, 1983.

Life and Origin

John Antony Farina was born at Gambellara (Vicenza Province) on 11th January 1803 to Peter Farina and Francesca Bellame. He received his early training from his paternal uncle, a holy priest who was for him a true master of the spirit and a tutor as well.

Charism and Spirituality

The Charism of the Daughters of the Sacred Hearts, the gift of the Holy Spirit to the prophetic intuition of St. John Antony Farina. “Incarnate the tender love of the Heart of Jesus and Mary in education, in corporal work of mercy especially on behalf of the most needy”.Read More...

To the Heart of Jesus...

We are convinced that at the time of our consecration to the love of the Sacred Hearts, the prophetic vision of our saintly Father Founder is being impressed in the hearts of each one of us. We feel to be the seed that he has sowed in the wake of the story, to bear witness to the love of the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.Read More...